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- Lartey Lawson
"My goal for the EU is clear: I dream of a Europe where economic growth and environmental sustainability are intertwined, where innovation shapes our future and brings new jobs and skills, and where social integration and equality form the foundation of our society. Together, we can create a Europe that is responsible, innovative, and inclusive – a future we can all be proud to share."

Environmental Sustainability

In an era where the climate crisis can no longer be ignored, we stand at a crossroads that demands action, determination, and innovation. As a candidate for the European Parliament, I am deeply committed to ensuring that Denmark not only follows but leads in the EU's transition to a more sustainable and climate-friendly society. The European Union has set ambitious goals to reduce CO2 emissions by 90% by 2040, a step that underscores the necessity of acting now. **Denmark's Green Future** To achieve these goals, Denmark must invest in the development and implementation of renewable energy sources and green technologies. This involves a massive transformation of our energy system, from the elimination of coal to an almost total eradication of gas, and a transformation within transport, buildings, manufacturing, and waste management. With the EU's focus on establishing a leading position in clean technology, it's important that Denmark helps to shape the future energy landscape and ensures that our economy and society are prepared for the coming decades. **Agriculture - Part of the Solution** A key element in our fight against climate change is agriculture. Despite agriculture's complex role in the climate debate, I am convinced that we can achieve economic growth through sustainability. By supporting our farmers in transitioning to more sustainable practices, we can both reduce CO2 emissions and ensure the preservation of our land and natural resources. This requires investments in innovation and technology, as well as policies that support the farmers' efforts towards a greener future. **Protecting Biodiversity** Simultaneously, it is crucial to protect our natural resources and biodiversity. A sustainable future depends on our ability to preserve the natural world that supports all life on our planet. As an MEP, I will work to promote policies that protect our ecosystems, enhance biodiversity, and ensure that we leave a viable planet for future generations. We stand at the beginning of a crucial era, where our choices will shape the future for our planet and future generations. I am determined to ensure that Denmark and the EU as a whole lead in this transition to a sustainable future, where climate change is addressed with innovative solutions, and where all communities contribute to and benefit from this green transition. Together, we can create a world that is not only viable but also fair and rich in opportunities for everyone.

Economic Growth Through Digital Innovation

In an era where digital innovations shape our future and economy, Denmark stands at a crucial threshold to lead the digital revolution within the EU. As a candidate for the European Parliament, I am dedicated to ensuring that Denmark not only adapts but actively shapes the future digital landscape. The recent adoption of the EU's Artificial Intelligence Act sets the framework for a future where large AI models are regulated to protect against manipulation and exploitation, while ensuring that technological innovation can continue to flourish. To realize this vision, it is essential that we invest in education, especially in the STEM fields, to equip the younger generation with the skills needed to thrive in the digital century. This commitment to education will not only open up new job opportunities but also ensure that Denmark and the EU remain competitive on the global stage. The EU's support for artificial intelligence startups is a step in the right direction, offering both financial and technological support, including access to supercomputers, to foster innovation in AI. This initiative, along with the creation of AI offices and European Digital Infrastructure Consortiums, supports a strategy to strengthen Europe's position as a leading hub for technological innovation. Denmark's "Business Lighthouses" project is an excellent example of how long-term partnerships between private companies and public actors can promote innovation and the green transition. These initiatives, spanning various sectors from CO2 management in North Jutland to world-leading water technology solutions in Central Jutland, show the way for how we can address major societal challenges through groundbreaking technologies. My vision is to leverage these initiatives to ensure that Denmark and the EU not only achieve economic growth through digital innovation but also promote a sustainable and inclusive future. By strengthening cooperation between the EU and Africa, we can also extend our influence and contribute to sustainable development across continents. To realize this vision, it is crucial that we collaborate – governments, businesses, educational institutions, and citizens – to create a future where technology serves humanity and promotes a fair and sustainable world. Let's come together to shape a digital era that reflects our shared values and ambitions.

Immigration and Social Integration

Immigration represents one of the most complex challenges of our time and requires an approach that is both humane and balanced. As a candidate for the European Parliament, I am committed to working for an immigration policy that values human dignity and fulfills international obligations. With the EU's recent adoption of the new Pact on Migration and Asylum, we have a unique opportunity to reform the way we handle migration by ensuring a fair distribution of responsibility among member states and strengthening solidarity within the EU. My goal is to promote social integration through initiatives that offer access to language instruction, vocational training, and cultural exchange. I am convinced that successful integration benefits both new members of our society and the existing community. The European Website on Integration highlights the EU's efforts to promote integration and inclusion, which is a step in the right direction towards creating more cohesive and harmonious societies. Cultural diversity enriches our society, and I will work to promote understanding and cooperation between different community groups. This involves breaking down prejudices and combating institutional discrimination to create a more inclusive society in Denmark and throughout the EU. The new Pact on Migration and Asylum is a testament to the EU's commitment to handling migration in a more coordinated and humane manner. It is a step forward in establishing a system that both respects human rights and ensures the EU's ability to manage migration flows effectively. As your representative in the European Parliament, I will tirelessly work to ensure that Denmark and the EU as a whole take the lead in creating a more just, humane, and inclusive future for everyone, regardless of where they come from. By supporting policies that promote integration and respect cultural diversity, we can together build stronger and more cohesive societies.

Africa and the EU

As a candidate for the EU Parliament, I am deeply committed to promoting a strong and equitable partnership between the EU and Africa, a partnership that respects Africa's sovereignty and promotes mutual growth. The recent summit in Rome, where prominent African leaders and European officials gathered to shape a new relationship between Europe and Africa, underscores this objective. The initiative, led by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, aims to create a new economic cooperation that can serve as a model for future relations between the two continents. This effort is further supported by the EU's Horizon Europe program, which through the Africa Initiative II has allocated around 300 million euros to strengthen cooperation between the EU and Africa in research and innovation. This initiative focuses on the green transition, innovation and technology, and scientific capacity building, which are crucial for promoting sustainable development and economic growth in both regions. My commitment is to work for a partnership that goes beyond the historical past of colonization and exploitation. By promoting collaboration based on respect and equality, we can together address the challenges that both our continents face. It is important that Europe recognizes and appreciates Africa's enormous potential, not just as a source of natural resources but as an equal partner in creating a sustainable future. In this spirit, as your representative in the EU Parliament, I will strive to ensure that our policies and initiatives reflect a deep understanding of and commitment to building a partnership that benefits both the EU and Africa, and that respects and promotes our shared goals of sustainable development, economic growth, and social justice.